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Re: Sheffield Cottages

By Colin Brandon on 23/03/2014 at 01:22

Hi Richard and Rob,

Sorry to have baffled you, I can quite easily baffle myself. You were quite correct on the location of Mr Bowles farm house. This being at the far end of Court Farm Road and I'm still thinking that those old terraced cottages were known as Court Farm Cottages ?

I'm not sure where I got the "Meeching" bit from but I am aware that there was a Meeching Court Farm at the town end of Fort Road, exactly as you describe. Must be having another "senior moment".

What I can tell you, those old cottages, along with the coastguard row of cottages, are reputed to be some of the oldest in Newhaven.

There were two caravan sites in Court Farm Road, the first one on the left was owned/run by a (I think) Mr Colvin. the second one, further up the road, was run by Mr and Mrs Bowles. Also in this road, past the Rec end, was a very old barn type building that was known as the granary. Probably demolished long ago to make way for housing. Hope I have now got some of this correct as it must be over thirty years since I have seen Mr Bowles farmhouse.

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